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2nd International Reversible Building Design Symposium

The symposium, held on october 29, and attended by a variety of people from various European countries, presented a full and rich program that offered a complete overview of where we stand in the transition towards circular and reversible building. Click large picture for program as it was presented.


DEEL 3, Nitesh Magdani-BAM, Lars Luscuere-EPEA, Kerensa Kuijpers-IBA Parkstad

DEEL 4, Martijn Segers-HeemWonen, Elma Durmisevic-GTB Lab, Ron Jacobs-ODS (part 1)

DEEL 5, Ron Jacobs-ODS (part 2), Caroline Henrotay Brussels Environment, Wim Debacker, Waldo Galle-VITO, VUB

DEEL 6, Wim Gielingh-Real Capital, Wim Sturris-De Groot Vroomshoop

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